Monday, December 05, 2005


Coke Dealer Is Coming to Town

I've had many requests for this track but haven't shared it until now because it was never officially released and I knew it could be traced back to me if I passed it around without permission from the artist. But this past weekend (Saturday afternoon, to be precise) I stopped by my favorite liquor mart to stock up for the holidaze. When I got to the door, it flew open as two beefy security guards strong-armed some poor soul out onto the street (literally the street—the guy barely missed getting hit by a crosstown bus). When he clutched at my arm as I was once again attempting to enter the store, I realized that this was no ordinary troublemaking drunkard; this was my old nemesis Harlem Greenwood, frontman of Boston's infamous Coke Dealer. Once he got the bleeding stopped, he explained that his troubles with store security were simply the result of a misunderstanding—he had fully intended to pay and had merely placed the bottle in his pocket to ensure that he didn't drop it on the floor to break like the first one had. I saw my opportunity and seized it. In exchange for the purchase of one large carton of wine, I secured Greenwood's permission to post this track here. I would include a link exhorting you to buy something (anything) of Coke Dealer's but Harlem and his cohort, Stu Walker, can't seem to get it together enough to slap up a website, let alone any marketable product. (Walker, however, did manage—with considerable help from the visionaries at Odd Halo—to put out a remarkable CD of his solo recordings, which I now exhort you to buy—check his site or myspace page and hassle him to sell you a copy.)

If you want to know more about the man, the myth, the legend that is Harlem Greenwood, you can read two different interviews conducted by the legendary-in-his-own-right Sleazegrinder here and here.

Coke Dealer Is Coming to Town

The track was recorded in 2000 and remains unreleased to this day.

I'll keep refreshing the download for this track only. If you try to get it and it has expired, please leave a comment and I'll re-up it ASAP.

Damn. File expired. I better get here quicker nextime.
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